The general log rule, and inverse functions

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The general log rule relates the log function to an exponential function

The general log rule that we introduced earlier was

Given the equation ???a^x=y???, the associated log is ???\log_a{(y)}=x???, and vice versa.

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What this tells us is that

???\log_a{(y)}=x??? and ???a^x=y??? are equivalent

???\log_a{(x)}=y??? and ???a^y=x??? are equivalent

Remember that inverse functions have their ???x???- and ???y???-values swapped. This means that when you graph inverse functions on the same set of axes, the graphs are mirror images of one another, just reflected over the line ???y=x???.

We can see that ???\log_a{(y)}=x??? and ???\log_a{(x)}=y??? have their ???x???- and ???y???-values swapped, and that ???a^x=y??? and ???a^y=x??? have their ???x???- and ???y???-values swapped. Which means that

Both ???\log_a{(x)}=y??? and ???a^y=x??? are inverses of ???\log_a{(y)}=x???

Both ???\log_a{(x)}=y??? and ???a^y=x??? are inverses of ???a^x=y???

Both ???\log_a{(y)}=x??? and ???a^x=y??? are inverses of ???\log_a{(x)}=y???

Both ???\log_a{(y)}=x??? and ???a^x=y??? are inverses of ???a^y=x???

For example, the graph of ???\log_a{(x)}=y??? (or equivalently ???a^y=x???) is

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And the graph of ???\log_a{(y)}=x??? (or equivalently ???a^x=y???) is

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And we can see that these are inverses of one another, because they are a reflection of each other over the line ???y=x???.

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When functions are inverses of one another, we can also express their points in tables. For instance, given the equations ???a^x=y??? and ???\log_a{(x)}=y???, we can express points that satisfy each of these equations in tables.

If a point set that satisfies ???a^x=y??? is

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then the point set satisfying its inverse ???\log_a{(x)}=y??? is

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And if we sketch these points on a graph, we can see again how they are mirror images of one another over the line ???y=x???.

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How to convert log functions to exponential functions, and vice versa

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