Finding the diagonal of a right rectangular prism

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Formula for the diagonal in terms of the length, width, and height of the rectangular prism

The diagonal of a right rectangular prism goes from one corner of the prism, across the interior volume, all the way to the opposite corner of the prism.

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diagonal of a prism

You can find the length of a diagonal of a right rectangular prism using


where ???d??? is the length of the diagonal, and ???l???, ???w???, and ???h??? are the length, width, and height, respectively.


How to find the length of the diagonal

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Length of the diagonal of a right rectangular prism


What is the length of the diagonal of the right rectangular prism?

diagonal of a right rectangular prism

Not all of the dimensions here are the same. Change ???60\text{ mm}??? to centimeters first.

???60\text{ mm}=6\text{ cm}???

Then the dimensions are

dimensions of the rectangular prism

Plugging these into the formula for the diagonal, we get




???d=\sqrt{229}??? cm

Let’s try another one.

Diagonal of a right rectangular prism for Geometry.jpg

The diagonal of a right rectangular prism goes from one corner of the prism, across the interior volume, all the way to the opposite corner of the prism.


Find the width of the right rectangular prism.

finding the width, given the length of the diagonal

We just need to plug the dimensions we’ve been given into the formula for the diagonal.



Manipulate the equation to solve for ???w???.






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